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Gate to Moonbase Alpha is a 3.5 yr old series showcasing local as well as national/international artists who delve into the hard-to-define genres of electronic and acoustic as well as visual experimentation. Friday, March 21st. 8pm-12am: Gate to Moonbase Alpha monthly ambient/experimental series featuring: LoVid(sound+video project from NY), Tenure(aka Dev79), RED L.E.D. Elder, The Great Quentini(performance art w/everything including the kitchen sink), David Gerbstadt(film+oil projections), Chase Bowman(live video accompaniment), Krimpets(10 minute puppet show). Free admission for all ages. At The Rotunda: 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 info:, 215-573-3234. Friday, April 18th. 8pm-12am: Gate to Moonbase Alpha monthly ambient/experimental series featuring: vidnaOmana, Stares to Nowhere, The Cosmic Joke, Matt Borghi+Jason Sloan, The Great Quentini, David Gerbstadt, Chase Bowman. Free admission for all ages. At The Rotunda: 4014 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 info:, 215-573-3234. Thanks for reading! Gina Renzi Coordinator The Rotunda 4014 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 215-573-3234