Support |
Creating an EDP yahoo group isn't thinking big enough - there needs to be a bunch of new groups on yahoo in order move all the spurious discussion that only applies to a certain segment of the LD population off of LD. That way LD can be used only for discussions of things that apply to 100% of the subscribers. - repeater users - edp users - edp + users - Loop IV users - Loop III users - boomerang users - line 6 users - boss pedal users - tube echoplex users - lexicon looping - eventide looping - tapedeck looping - found sound manipulators - guitarists that loop - bassists that loop - percussionists that loop - samplers that loop - cellists that loop - vocalists that loop - turntablists that loop - loopers that use midi - loopers that don't use midi - loopers that sync to drum machines (maybe there should be one of these for each combination of looper and drum machine) - live looping discussions - gig announcements - festival announcements (separate from gig announcements because we wouldn't want anyone to have to subscribe to the gig list just to be informed about festivals) - cd announcements - loop of the week announcements - playlist announcements - loop reviews - books read by loopers - sarcastic replies and retorts - a group for random rants - users that use a single looper - users that use multiple loopers - users that only use a single looper even though they own multiple loopers LD will be solely for people that want to discuss Loopers Delight.