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British invasion,and classic rock bands,were all playing American music styles.I'm not saying American is superior,I mostly play African music myself.But Rock and Roll ,Rock Blues blues rock,is what those Brit bands played.They were very disciplined and creative,and eventually innovative in those styles They played really well( though supposedly on the Beatles 1st US tour the Young Rascals were the opening act,but got fired right away because the were so much hotter they were upstaging the Beatles and Howling Wolf said,after his London Sessions,those kids were great people and they sure do love the Blues too bad they can't play'em that well or words to that effect),but they are American styles. The proletarian element w/ no upward mobliity( something middle class white americnas don;t understand) and post war poverty probablymade it easy for them to relate to the music of American blacks and poor white southerners. Yes there are celtic/anglo saxon,mostly celtic, roots to white southern music,which combined with black African roots,church based harmony ideas and many generatons of really harsh experience combined into rock and roll. anyway even Punk was inspired by what was going on in N.Y. the Ramones esp. I have to say that I think physical strength is a musical element.We hear music w/ the whole body ,and the emotions that music works with are manifest in the body