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Re: Larry - it's about MUSIC.

On Feb 17, 2005, at 8:07 AM, Jeff Evans wrote:

> On Feb 17, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Larry Cooperman wrote:
>> I also found out last night that I can post in wav. format.  Do most 
>> people have the ability to hear that?
> I'm a Mac user, but my understanding is that  the .wav format is a 
> Windows native, lossless medium type, comparable to AIFF. The files 
> will be large because they're uncompressed, but any windows user will 
> be able to play them, as well as Mac users with Quicktime - and 
> perhaps other media players as well. So the answer is, yes, most 
> people will be able to hear them.

I found the conversion and will post.
>> Bravery?  How could this possibly scare me?  It's just the time.  
>> I've got a business and family life.  A little at a time.
> I used the word bravery because your compositions, are at least to 
> some, now unable to stand on their own merit. Your discourse on this 
> list has, perhaps irrevocably, biased some members of this particular 
> audience in one direction or the other.

No body over here cares.  I'm doing it for you because you asked.  If 
other people bother to listen and comment that OK too.
>       It's a bit like jury selection. To get a fair and accurate 
> one would have to actually find people that have never seen or heard 
> about the White Bronco 'slowing' down the highway.
Silly people most of you are.
> I must admit, you've expanded the plausible nullification of any 
> negative assessment from your original pre-emption "The neophyte does 
> not have the ability to understand me" to also include "It is not my 
> creative work that generated a negative assessment, but rather my 
> personality".

I didn't say that wouldn't understand my music which is pretty 
accessible but they just mull around when making assessments of some 
music, even their own, because they have no perspective. general 
statement but fits some.  technology has made music makers out of nose 
pickers.  it's their jobs to get their fingers out of their noses.  my 
personality is fit for what i do and has been the dominant personality 
of those in the same biz that have preceded me.  can be abrasive but it 
works for me.
>       That is a pretty convenient defense strategy, intentional or 
> otherwise, but if what you'd like is feedback on your music  — the 
> lack of which, after a 7 month pre-natal period, bore your recent 
> paroxysm — you've effectively (at the very least potentially) removed 
> the legitimacy of any feedback you receive. That goes for positive as 
> well as negative feedback.

as i said you're not dealing with a guy who even cares.  so at this 
point i say i won't post anymore.  all of you intellectuals trying to 
analyze me all i have to say is i/m and old fashioned guy who loves 
music and not technology.  i could really care less about your opinions 
although i wish all of you would grow up in art and quit this bullshit.

so since i've removed all legitimate feedback and i don't care then i'm 
Larry Cooperman
New Millennium Guitar