Enterprise Player Guide

-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/26/05 09:36:21
Subject: [LD CD 3] Contributors
Hi Loopers,
Thank you for many contacts list and off list.
I want to fix contributors in May.
but already slots are full,19 artists.if they make 4:30 songs per
each, then total is 85.5mim. it can not record CD...(78min is
maximum, but 77min is safety,I think). and I don't want to make
double CD in this time.
Just 4min per each is OK? (we can talk about song length details when
we fixed line up contributors)
Contributor list is below,please confirm it.
(I list up the artists who I got mail or reply from my message for
LD,if drop our your name or my or cancel, please mail me by off
Contributors (26th April)
Fabio Anile
I will send brief agreement(don't be late dead line etc..) to
contributors by off list.
Japan is mid night(1:30AM)and I am drunk now, i will send it tomorrow..
A big train accident happened near Kobe in yesterday,it very sad
accident but I and my friends and family are safety...
talk you soon
At 2:12 PM +0900 05.4.25, Sunao Inami wrote:
>Hi Loopers,
>I talked with Kim Frint about
>Looper's Delight Compilation CD Volume 3.
>and I got his permission.
>I would like to organize Looper's Delight Compilation CD Volume 3.
>basic plan is:
>(this is almost same as Vol.2)
>1 CD, 15 or 16 artists.
>Song length is 4min 30sec maximum per each.
>CD pressing is 1000 pieces total.
>CD cover is 4pages booklet.
>Any music style is OK, but it restricts to LD list subscribers only.
>About cost,
>Participating artists pay US$125 per each. (Paypal or international
>money order)
>and 30 CDs is free for participating artists.
>(I will send 30 CDs via air mail (parcel post), $125 is includes
>shipping cost for world wide)
>If artists needs more CDs, I can sell it by $5 per each(not includes
>shipping cost).
>it will release from my label,electr-ohm,Japan.
>I can sell it my online CD shop C.U.E. records, but I can not pay a
>royalty to a participant.
>I can do mastering and CD cover design and care of CD pressing and
>send CDs to artists.
>Schedule is:
>Release in 2005.
>Song deadline is 31st August 2005.Please arrive by then.(Audio or
>data CDR, DAT or upload)
>Vol.1 released in'95 and Vol.2 released in'98, I think LD subscriber
>want to hear new one...
>Please let me know any opinion,question etc etc..
> Talk you soon
> Sunao Inami