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Re: Hey Warren! Good to see you back!


In a message dated 11/17/05 8:56:56 PM, wsirota@wsdesigns.com writes:

I actually was hoping to re-enlist your aid (since you offered it so long ago) as a beta tester/interface critic (and possibly re-designer) when I've finished writing preliminary docs and cleaning up one or two things

For what it's worth. I'm still game. I've only recently gotten more up-to-date re computer music making/recording with my purchase of the ProTools M-Box and software plug-in bundle Guitar Center was blowing out last month.

At least I have a decent quality audio interface (if only USB and stereo in/out) . . . and some good software that'll accept RTAS plug-ins (heck it came wit a boatload of 'em).

I did my track for Kris Hartung's Xperimentus project on it in my living room on a lowly iBook weekend before last. I played my old Roland guitar synth sans most of the effects I usuall mess with.

As for the name AccuLoop. It has a certain descriptive functionality . . . but seems to lack any sense of playfulness, humour or spark that a really great name for a creative product seemingly "ought" to have. But then, how creative (really) is ProTools? M-Box. Abelton Live? Digital Performer? MetaSynth?

You could call it some really sucky name like SuperPooperLooperScooper but if it really ROCKS then people will hear about it and (hopefully) buy it anyway.

My professional opinion (as a marketeer and ad agency maven of long-standing music industry repute) is go ahead and call it AccuLoop. It's an okay name. Just make sure the product "delivers the goods" so to speak and is everything you say it is. If you happen to come up with something better to name it in the meantime that'd be an additional "edge" in the marketplace. But AccuLoop won't kill it if it's good.

Best regards,

tEd ® kiLLiAn

"Different is not always better, but better is always different"


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and Viztas. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Blah, blah, blah. So???