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Question to Claude (Was EDP ignorance)

Claude Im facinated, can you explain the exact way you "sequence the edp) 
myself have been doing something like this. Using a drummachine, that 
midi notes I program sequences of "virtual button presses" so I can do 
things like undo super fast (filling a pattern with undo commands) I then 
fill up a log loop with many cycles as poss, THEN loop devide back down 
do the windowing thing...  Ive also use the drummachine to chain other 
like the half speed and also quite complex ones where I grab a new loop at 
the begining of the pattern, mult insert, reverse and.... snippity chop...

Is this what you mean? or what... ? panned? are you using 2 EDPs? (gotta 
me a second one) I understand Dennis' post, but what did YOU mean, when 
say I use the 4 plain hunt sequence... us it how???

Spill the beans mate? Im facinated!!


mark francombe
marks website is at www.markfrancombe.com he writes for 
and works at www.transformlearning.com

nono Rick
My happy birthday LD song was done this way
with the help of an old Dennis Leas post about change ringing
I use the 4 plain hunt sequence with 4 loops/bells in delay mode
panned L, 20%, -20%, R.   the dry guitar is center.
recorded as exactly as played (no multitrack or editing whatsoever)

I still do a lot of experiments this way (sequenced EDP), 2 tunes in Zurich
where done this way.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Loopers-Delight-d-request@loopers-delight.com>
To: <Loopers-Delight-d@loopers-delight.com>
Sent: Sunday, August 13, 2006 8:21 PM
Subject: Loopers-Delight-d Digest V06 #707

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