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Re: Question to Claude (Was EDP ignorance) / live-looping podcast possibilty

> As a quick note to Claude:
>> Yes the above PS was a provocation towards "fast looper"
> I guess I missed that vibe...  I don't always pick on sarcasm so well, 
> especially in e-mail.

as english is not my mother tongue at all, my sarcasm are not always 
controled in subtility, humor, or force :=)
but I'm glad you didnt take it as an offence as this post says it clearly.

in this case, as everything is already programed and setup in the G2 (see 
the other posts) and reacting to the volume of what is played; all you 
_see_ is a guy playing guitar and improvising answers to what the machine 

now  about creativity its about _daring_ things without a goal, recipe 
neither a time frame.
and being stubborn at it.

the way to discover a lot about looping concepts creativity etc...  is to 
hike the archives from top to bottom
specially the first 3-4 years and the year after june 02 (edp loopIV 
upgrade )

hava nice day


> Just for the record, my statement was not meant as some sort of 
> retaliation, but as admiration and awe.  I certainly didn't feel 
> in anyway.  I may never have the chance to see you perform live, and I'd 
> love the opportunity to catch a glimpse via video if you were to ever 
> record something, and I'd love to see how you perform with this 
> technique.  I just understood your PS as a statement of fact, and so my 
> response was meant to be a compliment to show respect for implementing 
> such a creative idea.  No offense inteded, and I hope you understand 
> I'm not looking for some quick-fix method of looping.  I know it's a 
> learning process that I fully intend to venture.  I've certainly enjoyed 
> and appreciated the benefit of gleaning from more experienced loopers 
> yourself on this list.