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Re: Will Cycling 74 create a basic VST host?

What about AudioMulch? It won't allow you to generate and shape sounds like Max does, but it acts as a great VST host with some neat built in busses, matrices and mixers which will let you route VSTs however you like and activate these links through MIDI.

(My first post here btw, hello!)

On 8/21/06, mark sottilaro <zerocrossing2001@yahoo.com> wrote:
--- Krispen Hartung <khartung@cableone.net > wrote:

> Chainer. If Chainer had the ability to put VST
> effects in parallel, shown
> horizontally in the same "link" of the chain, and if
> I could activate that
> "link" via MIDI, Chainer would amost do it for me.
> However, I contacted
> them, and you can't activate a VST effect via MIDI,
> only control the VST
> effects's parameters, presets, etc...that seems sort
> of ridiculous to me,

Hm, is this something you could do by running Chainer
as a vst within Live?  Also, live does allow you to do
some basic routing with stacks of vsts and effect
sends.  Download the demo, it's free.


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