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Thanks to all of you for the great ideas here as well! Talking about my own website (nota bene: problems with the DHTML code make this almost unreadable on Firefox browsers - IE works fine here), (and my "marketing communication" in general), the major concept behind it is...inconsistency. This has in part to do with the fact that the website is just a grown heap of information, containing both stuff about my projects (the purple "MOINLABS" section) and just info and articles I wrote about other stuff (the yellow "OTHER THINGS" section). Leaving the "yellow stuff" aside in this discussion for one moment: There is always a changing perspective from first- to third-person (e.g. the info on the album projects "JANUS" and "Sauflieder Band 1"). Sometimes I put the description in a fictional context (see e.g. "The Cosmo Sessions"). What makes the thing more complicated still is the fact that I did/do both solo and ensemble work, and for the ensembles, of course a third-person perspective (e.g. "Eclectic Blah" ist a project of blahblah...) is in order. Here's what I found happened (and this sometimes matches with some of the suggestions I found here): * Everything about ensembles is third-person * Stuff about own projects or releases is first- or third-person, depending on my "mood at the moment" * Stuff targeted as a press text is third-person, sometimes spiced up with first-person statements marked as such by quotation marks (e.g. the "Clean Trippin"-subwebsite (German) under "MOINLABS/The Past/Clean Trippin") * There's an old (to-be-updated) non-targeted c.v.: first-person * There are two "auto-interviews", which while marked as such (i.e. "Straschill interviews Straschill") does really seem like a "neutral" interviewer leads a conversation with me There's a lot to do for me here - most of all whipping up a good press text/bio/whatnot and making it available for download in a fashion clearly visible from the front page. And then I need to completely reorganize this old site... Then there's other communication. For several years I've been writing (sometimes separate, sometimes combined) annual newsletters about activities of mine and of Eclectic Blah. These were first-person (in case of the stuff about me), somtimes quoting a third-person press text or third-person (in case of the stuff about Eclectic Blah), sometimes spiced up with first-person statements of mine marked as such. And now - ***!!!SHAMELESS PLUG!!!*** - there is for the first time a video interview! For that one (contents: my activities in 2006 as well as plans for 2007), I got together with a friend (a DJ and cultural scientist) and asked him to interview me. I gave him a very coarse outline of topics and questions I wanted him to ask me, as well as a list of tunes from which he would pick the tracks for the video. For the video itself, we did a first test run (beginning to end without stops), which I would then review and use as a basis for discussion and improvement. The second shooting was done in sections (separated by the tunes), and in between these four scenes we would quickly talk about what we just did. Btw, there is a lot of talk about looping/loopfestival/loop people related stuff, with lots of references toward events, websites and people (y2k6loopfest, LD, Rick Walker, Krispen Hartung, kybermusik). To cut a long story short: Please take a look at the video, please, and give me your feedback, either here (if fitting) or via private email! The video is in four parts, and one video of outtakes: Part 1: Introduction, Y2K6 Live Looping Festival (and Looping in general) Part 2: Live Looping (cont'd), kybermusik Part 3: musical styles/genres in MoinSound, recent MoinSound history, Eclectic Blah Part 4: Eclectic Blah (cont'd), Summary Outtakes Thanks, Rainer