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Howdy, My first is a Fostex B-16. My second is a Rond VS2480CD, but i'm still trying to learn how to use the latter without always having to refer to "the book". Rig --- Per Boysen <> wrote: > On 25 jun 2007, at 11.53, Stephen Goodman wrote: > > > Hi folks, > > > > I'm an old, old Cool Edit Pro user, and while I've > been quite happy > > with its multitracking etc., I look around and see > what everyone > > else is using once in a while. > > > > A look at the TapeOp (now available in the UK, > thanks!) mentions > > Pro Tools quite a lot. But a look at the product > tells me that > > this is the kind of full-on hardware-software > system sales bit that > > Avid has been getting people to pay too much for, > for some time - > > if not also an efficient barrier to keep the > so-called 'amateurs' > > out of the mainstream of studio works. (Hell, it > didn't work for > > the reel-to-reel, cassette, DAT, VHS, CD or DVD - > so now it's done > > with a software-hardware combo) > > > > So much for my attitude! But it does beg the > questions: > > > > 1. What recording program do you use? > > 2. Why? Is there something you get from your > program that you > > can't anywhere else? > > > --> My first choice is Logic Pro. > What I get from Logic is an application that is made > for people that > do not only edit audio but also compose. Logic has > been the leading > application for MIDI sequencing since its birth > somewhere back in -93 > and I think it gives more bang for the bucks than > andy other DAW. It > is a system for composing and producing music that > is working very > well on its own, so you don't need to buy any extra > third party plug- > ins. Logic has all the audio effect plug-ins and > software instruments > you'll ever need for production work (FM synthesis, > Subtractive > Synthesis, Modular Synthesis and a great sampler). > It also has some > Max-like functionality for routing and transforming > both real-time > MIDI streams and recorded MIDI events (the > Environment). I left > Cubase for Logic back at version 2.0 (we're now > waiting for 8.0) > mainly because of the better MIDI timing. When Apple > bought Emagic > (that developed Logic) and killed the Windows > version, I bought > Cubase SX to see if it would be a good way to stay > with the Windows > PC platform. However, Cubase felt like a very bad > tool in comparison, > so I decided to buy my next PC from Apple and stick > with Logic. This > was also a decision I made after checking out the > specifications for > OS X; it was pretty obvious that OS X would be a > better audio and > music operating system for PC's. A final option of > Logic's that means > a lot to me is the built-in global micro tonal > tuning system. Since > all the synths and the sampler are part of the > application they all > adapt to whatever micro scale you chose in the > global preferences. > When using synths I definitely want to go micro > tonal. With guitars > and wind instruments that doesn't matter much > because intonation of > pitch is done while playing. > > --> My second choice is Ableton Live. > I like Live because it works the same on OS X and > Window XP (I > wouldn't dare to get Vista for at least another > year, until all audio > software manage to catch up). Live has easy routing > possibilities and > if you run it on a Mac you can open the OS X > built-in MIDI pipes > directly in Lives mixer to send MIDI data to, or > fetch from, other > parallel applications. Or just send controller data > into some plug-in > on a different channel in Live. Under Windows you > can achieve the > same routing capability by installing the > third-party OS Hack MIDI > Yoke. I'm not very keen on the audio fidelity of > Live though. When I > make music in Live I move the audio files over to > Logic ASAP because > everything sounds better there. One powerful combo > is to run Live as > a ReWire slave to Logic. Live is in many ways a kind > of music > instrument with its own sound and powerful audio > mangling capability. > I just don't see it as a high end finalizing tool. > > --> The recording program I use most is Mobius. > It has a function that renders a stereo file of the > merged audio > processes going on in the looper. You simply push > record and make > music for a while and there you have an almost > finished recording in > pristine 32 bit floating point wave format waiting > for you on the > hard drive. > > I don't own the latest version, but I have been > checking out Protools > a bit. If you don't mind being locked into using > audio interfaces > from Digidesign that's a good recording application. > At least as far > as audio matters. Cubase is also good in the audio > department these > days. And if you need good surround mixing tools and > will work with > soundtracks Nuendo is a good choice. > > Greetings from Sweden > > Per Boysen > (Swedish) > (international) > > > > > ____________________________________________________________________________________ Sick sense of humor? Visit Yahoo! TV's Comedy with an Edge to see what's on, when.