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RE: Subject: Laptop-based looping

> Sonar is useful for creating loops in post-production, but not really
> for real-time improvisation.  It's a powerful recording and midi
> sequencing environment, though.

So if I want to record a CD that contains a mixture of note-by-note
composition and improvisation, I would use Finale to create MIDI files that
I would then sequence in Sonar and use Sonar to combine it with audio 
and mix down the final CD, yes?

> Sonar's architecture will not properly support hosting Mobius as a VST
> plug-in.  Bottom line is that you can't record the Mobius output.
> REAPER serves as the VST host in my environment, as well as recording
> all the audio tracks (audio and midi inputs as well as looped output).

> Ableton will allow you to host Mobius for probably the most advanced
> looping applications - with a price tag of about $500 US.  My friends
> describe Ableton Live! as being a tool that fully supports their
> creative process both as a composing and recording environment.

Interesting.  So what you're saying is that what I really want is to learn
how to use Mobius, use it as a VST plugin to Live, and control the whole
thing with a foot controller for live performance, presumably so I can keep
my hands free.

> I just re-programmed FCB1010 midi footpedal configuration in about 5
> minutes using the Mobius 'midi-learn' feature - fantastic!

Do you have opinions about specific foot pedals?  I play a Yamaha WX-5, so
if I were to use a Yamaha MFC10 pedal, it would double as a power supply 
the WX-5.