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OT: motels / hotels in Seattle?

Since the subject of places to stay in Santa Cruz is current, does  
anyone know of any decent and rea$onable
motels / hotels there are in Seattle, and ones that are not sketchy  
places, and also not way the hell away from the central part of the  

( a few miles is OK, but not something like 10 or more miles, and  
definitely not way up on kreepy, sleazy N. Aurora Blvd. )

Over the last few years, I have previously stayed at a nice motel on  
8th street (behind the Hurricane Cafe) near the Seattle Center,
but each year, it has continued to  climb in price to where I can no  
longer afford to do that, even with one of my nights spent "camping out"
in someone's backyard with my tent and gear.

(No kidding. I do that in the Summertime to save some $$. Almost like  
being out in the country somewhere. Almost...:-) )

I am planning another trip from Portland to Seattle in very early  
September some(?)time, so any advance tips are most appreciated!

