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Thanks Doug and Per, with your help I got it up and running... but I don't think this type of thing will work for me. I record that first loop, all by my lonesome, and just as I end the loop my drum machine (Rayzoon's Jamstix) starts playing along just like a drummer joining in. Perfect! Then I decided to start a second loop... oops. No more sync for Jamstix. Everything screeches to a halt. (except for the sound of me recording my second loop) Is there some work around I'm unaware of? I can't imagine... unless somehow the second loop had a preset length (like Jeff is working on for me) Mobius could send sync right away because IT KNOWS. Now doing it this way Mobius has no way of knowing what I'm going to do for my next loop so it sits patently and waits. OH well. At least I made it happen. I'm home from work with a fever, That's probably why. BTW to all, check out Jamstix. It's a really great tool for doing loops with... you know, when Rick Walker's not around. Mark On Jun 3, 2007, at 8:22 AM, Doug Cox wrote: > FYI - I am not able to get most of my VSTs to sync to Mobius in > Bidule using the built-in sync method. Instead, I setup Mobius to > send it's clock out to a virtual MIDI device (Maple MIDI), and then > extract that clock to a Bidule sync pulse using the "Clock to Sync" > module. Then, any VST I want to sync to Mobius is actually sync'd > to the "Clock to Sync" module. > > Works like a charm.