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Re: Laptop Looping

I'll need some more info from you about how many SL instances you have
and the configuration of each instance (loop count, memory, channels).
 The fact that you see resource requirement spikes that correspond to
the glitches leads me toward certain conclusions (that SL is one of
the culprits).  What are you doing loop-wise at the time... performing
an operation, by chance?

Also, what audio interface and what buffer size are you using?


On 8/22/07, midifriedchicken@comcast.net <midifriedchicken@comcast.net> 
> So I've been getting to know Bidule and Sooperlooper. Both killer apps. 
>The idea of having many chains of beautiful effects with total control of 
>loops and sounds is certianly seductive. I understand fully the devotion 
>many of you have towards this way off looping.
> However, I'm still getting stutters, dropouts and clicks. This I assume 
>is because the cpu is maxing out. I am using a Powerbook 1.5 Mhz with 1 
>Gig of Ram. Now, I know this is by todays standards a weaker machine. But 
>it should be more then enough to handle the meager requirements of my 
>software. Even with no effects in the chain (or even on the patchbay), 
>the problems still occur, less frequently, but unnaceptable for live use.
> I put on the mac activity viewer and monitored the cpu. The monitor 
>showed moderate memory use as I play, with an occaisonal spike in system 
>requirements. This is when I hear clicks or stutters. I assume this is 
>just normal processes that happen normally in the background. Nothing I 
>can do about this, right?
> Am I missing something?
> Any thoughts on smoothing things out?