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Re: OT: RME Firewire 800 and Guitar Amp Sim - Preamps

Please don't take it as self promotion but I would like Kris to listen 
to "Su Me" or "with Mr. Lawson" and tell me if he finds a sterile and 
crappy tone in the guitars there.
I am sorry I can't put any tracks of the new album ( which is scheduled 
for release Oct. the 2nd) on line because there there is going to be a 
very wide assortment of different sounds made with the same system.
As I said in my first post, maybe I am crazy, but I am in love with the 
sound I can get going direct to audio card or with a preamp between the 
audio card and the guitar ( and no speaker emulators at all).

Anyway, to everyone its own, and to everyone the chance to set his own 

my best,

Krispen Hartung wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- From: "andy butler" <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk>
>> A third option would be to use a dedicated instrument DI input.
>> A mixer line level input isn't designed to have a guitar plugged 
>> straight into it,
>> even if there's enough gain the tone is affected by the impedance 
>> mismatch.
>> andy butler
> But what will be the real audible result to the output? Better 
> frequency range?
> Less noise? Better dynamic range? More clarity? Essentially, enhancing 
> the tone that I don't
> like to begin with. :)  Now if that little DI is adding a nice Fender 
> Tweed or Boogie tube tone, with
> some subtle breakup, a variable response to how hard I pick, etc. then 
> now we're talking....more like fantasizing.
> Kris
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