My personal view on music is that if something touches or moves
someone (anyone / anywhere) in a positive way, inspiring them, then I think
it's good.
I think that is the best statement yet, but I
would take it further. Many artists don't discriminate between positive and
negative in the reactions they seek or accept from their works (because the
artistic world tends to be more liberale in light of so-called
absolutes...right, wrong, good, bad, etc). Simply put, any emotional response
or reaction from a piece of art (music in this case), indicates success in my
perspective. That to me is more preferrable. Because why does everything
have to be positive? The real world is a mixture of positive and negative.
That is life I would I like music music to generate very diverse repsonses. In
fact, I hope that at least a sub-set of my listeners completely loath my music
or find it offensive. That way I know I'm not creating with rose colored
glasses on and trying to please everyone, or the watered down common
denominator. That concept in itself makes me sick to my stomach. So, to
me at least, generating a whole spectrum of emotional responses is more
preferrable and realistic. The whole spectrum suggests