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Todd / all - This code should help. The first patch is what I uses to get access to the main reverb patch. It has the audio inlets/outlets, etc. The second patch is the main yafr2 reverb path which I modifed to be stereo. I can't actually tell how what the max decay is because of the scale it uses, but based on my use of the reverb, it must be HUGE. You can see that it has the decay settings, early reflection balance, then it has high freq rollout, mix, etc. Note there are tons of allpass filters to make this type of reverb, a few delays, and some onepole filters. It's an amazing patch, better than any of the other max reverb pathes I've used like gverb, gigverb, etc. Kris Audio Connection Patch #N comlet Enable/Disable; #P inlet 571 152 15 0; #N comlet Enable/Disable; #P inlet 528 151 15 0; #P user matrixctrl 280 273 70 45 MatrixDefaultCell.pct MatrixDefaultBkgnd.pct 70 45 16 16 4 2 16 16 1 1 48 2 5120 0; #P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 280 212 44 9109513 del 100; #P message 494 300 50 9109513 mute 0 0; #N comlet Audio Out R; #P outlet 427 399 15 0; #N comlet Audio Out L; #P outlet 395 399 15 0; #N comlet Enable/Disable; #P inlet 451 153 15 0; #N comlet Audio in R; #P inlet 417 153 15 0; #N comlet Audio in L; #P inlet 395 153 15 0; #P comment 288 233 50 9109513 effect on; #P message 339 336 54 9109513 ramp 100; #P newex 504 256 44 9109513 del 100; #P newex 451 178 52 9109513 route 0 1; #P newex 144 178 51 9109513 r loadbang; #P message 504 278 50 9109513 mute 0 1; #P message 280 249 115 9109513 2 0 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0; #P message 158 249 115 9109513 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 0 3 1 0; #P newex 395 367 77 9109513 matrix~ 4 2 1.; #P newex 439 340 143 9109513 poly~ yafr2_stereo_reverb_poly; #P comment 169 233 41 9109513 bypass; #P connect 20 0 1 3; #P connect 19 0 1 2; #P connect 8 0 5 0; #P fasten 7 0 8 0 456 202 509 202; #P fasten 6 0 3 0 149 202 163 202; #P fasten 6 0 9 0 149 328 344 328; #P fasten 6 0 8 0 149 202 509 202; #P fasten 7 1 17 0 477 202 285 202; #P fasten 7 1 16 0 477 202 499 202; #P connect 12 0 2 1; #P fasten 12 0 1 1 477 333 577 333; #P connect 1 1 2 3; #P connect 13 0 7 0; #P connect 1 0 2 2; #P connect 16 0 1 0; #P connect 5 0 1 0; #P connect 11 0 2 0; #P fasten 11 0 1 0 400 322 444 322; #P connect 2 1 15 0; #P connect 2 0 14 0; #P fasten 18 0 2 0 285 322 400 322; #P fasten 9 0 2 0 344 359 400 359; #P connect 4 0 18 0; #P connect 3 0 18 0; #P connect 17 0 4 0; #P fasten 7 0 3 0 456 202 163 202; #P window clipboard copycount 21; Reverb Patch #P button 10 38 15 0; #P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.; #P window linecount 1; #N in~ 2; #P newobj 87 266 33 9109513 in~ 2; #N in~ 1; #P newobj 20 266 33 9109513 in~ 1; #P message 515 844 23 9109513 130; #P user gain~ 637 885 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #P user gain~ 549 885 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #N out~ 2; #P newobj 636 1015 39 9109513 out~ 2; #N out~ 1; #P newobj 549 1014 39 9109513 out~ 1; #P window setfont "Sans Serif" 12.; #P comment 757 141 42 9109516 R-Wet; #P comment 709 141 37 9109516 R-Dry; #P comment 579 140 37 9109516 L-Wet; #P comment 531 140 37 9109516 L-Dry; #P comment 1054 144 87 9109516 Right Channel; #P comment 302 143 78 9109516 Left Channel; #P window setfont "Sans Serif" 9.; #P newex 645 24 51 9109513 r loadbang; #P message 64 66 18 9109513 40; #P message 42 66 14 9109513 0; #P message 10 66 23 9109513 127; #P message 91 66 23 9109513 100; #P number 586 314 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P number 542 314 35 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P message 122 67 23 9109513 130; #P newex 668 166 55 9109513 sig~ 0.707; #P newex 799 167 39 9109513 sig~ 1.; #P newex 801 833 27 9109513 +~; #P user gain~ 723 165 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #P newex 745 802 33 9109513 *~ 0.; #P user gain~ 764 165 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #P newex 845 800 33 9109513 *~ 0.; #P newex 1104 273 63 9109513 prepend set; #P newex 1033 273 63 9109513 prepend set; #P newex 961 273 63 9109513 prepend set; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 1175 183 28 9109513 yafr -2up; #B color 7; #P user hslider 961 233 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P comment 1106 231 75 9109513 high frequency rolloff; #B color 12; #P user hslider 961 205 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P comment 1106 200 92 9109513 reverb/early reflections balance; #B color 12; #P user hslider 961 179 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 1106 179 60 9109513 reverb time; #B color 12; #P comment 890 656 73 9109513 early ref. mix; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 1133 645 73 9109513 reverb tail: series allpass.; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 806 765 158 9109513 uncorrelators make stereo effect; #P newex 1349 622 28 9109513 !- 0.; #P newex 1349 581 27 9109513 + 0.; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 761 553 93 9109513 early refs: allpass in feedback.; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 1350 534 28 9109513 !- 0.; #P newex 986 734 60 9109513 tapout~ 10.; #P newex 986 714 54 9109513 tapin~ 10.; #P newex 986 695 39 9109513 *~ 0.2; #P newex 1350 493 27 9109513 + 0.; #P newex 859 619 105 9109513 expr (1. - $f1) * 0.5; #P newex 859 595 92 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 0. 1.; #P newex 771 653 27 9109513 *~; #P newex 741 653 27 9109513 *~; #P newex 952 383 33 9109513 * 30.; #P newex 916 383 33 9109513 * 76.; #P newex 874 383 39 9109513 * 122.; #P newex 874 313 98 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 0. 1.; #P newex 741 498 92 9109513 onepole~ 1800 Hz.; #P newex 900 684 33 9109513 * 0.85; #P newex 854 705 102 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.38; #P newex 1420 439 20 9109513 t b; #P flonum 1257 663 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 1256 622 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 1257 578 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 1255 534 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 1381 602 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 1381 559 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 1381 514 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 1381 470 27 9109513 * 1.; #P flonum 1104 341 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 741 341 92 9109513 onepole~ 1800 Hz.; #P newex 741 448 95 9109513 allpass~ 80 50. 0.2; #P newex 741 472 95 9109513 allpass~ 80 50. 0.2; #P newex 977 313 122 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 200. 8000.; #P newex 1097 615 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.63; #P newex 1097 556 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.72; #P newex 1097 527 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.75; #P newex 741 522 45 9109513 *~ -0.3; #P newex 741 424 65 9109513 tapout~ 130.; #P newex 741 400 60 9109513 tapin~ 130.; #P newex 1104 313 101 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 1. 76; #P newex 1097 587 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.662; #P comment 998 766 64 9109513 feedback tap; #P user panel 976 682 91 102; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 1092 519 119 157; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 737 384 124 201; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 737 683 233 102; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 737 590 233 83; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 947 165 273 106; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P newex 483 165 55 9109513 sig~ 0.707; #P newex 625 165 39 9109513 sig~ 1.; #P user gain~ 540 165 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #P newex 23 801 33 9109513 *~ 0.; #P user gain~ 583 166 24 100 158 0 1.071519 7.94321 10.; #P newex 103 801 33 9109513 *~ 0.; #P newex 65 836 27 9109513 +~; #P newex 358 269 63 9109513 prepend set; #P newex 287 269 63 9109513 prepend set; #P newex 215 269 63 9109513 prepend set; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 429 179 28 9109513 yafr -2up; #B color 7; #P user hslider 215 229 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P comment 360 227 75 9109513 high frequency rolloff; #B color 12; #P user hslider 215 201 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P comment 360 196 92 9109513 reverb/early reflections balance; #B color 12; #P user hslider 215 175 18 128 128 1 0 8; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 360 175 60 9109513 reverb time; #B color 12; #P message 671 359 50 9109513 1.16; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 159 342 118 9109513 magic numbers for early reflection times.; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 168 652 73 9109513 early ref. mix; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 411 641 73 9109513 reverb tail: series allpass.; #P window linecount 1; #P comment 84 761 158 9109513 uncorrelators make stereo effect; #P newex 603 615 28 9109513 !- 0.; #P newex 603 574 27 9109513 + 0.; #P window linecount 2; #P comment 39 549 93 9109513 early refs: allpass in feedback.; #P window linecount 1; #P newex 396 435 160 9109513 expr cos($f1* .06283185) * 0.3; #N counter 100; #X flags 0 0; #P newobj 396 414 66 9109513 counter 100; #P newex 604 527 28 9109513 !- 0.; #P newex 264 730 60 9109513 tapout~ 10.; #P newex 264 710 54 9109513 tapin~ 10.; #P newex 264 691 39 9109513 *~ 0.2; #P newex 604 486 27 9109513 + 0.; #P newex 396 393 50 9109513 metro 10; #P newex 137 615 105 9109513 expr (1. - $f1) * 0.5; #P newex 137 591 92 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 0. 1.; #P newex 49 649 27 9109513 *~; #P newex 19 649 27 9109513 *~; #P newex 230 379 33 9109513 * 30.; #P newex 194 379 33 9109513 * 76.; #P newex 152 379 39 9109513 * 122.; #P newex 152 309 98 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 0. 1.; #P newex 19 494 92 9109513 onepole~ 1800 Hz.; #P newex 652 429 20 9109513 t b; #P flonum 671 379 45 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 511 656 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 510 615 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 511 571 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P flonum 509 527 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 635 595 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 635 552 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 635 507 27 9109513 * 1.; #P newex 635 463 27 9109513 * 1.; #P flonum 382 337 80 9 0 0 0 139 0 0 0 221 221 221 222 222 222 0 0 0; #P newex 19 337 92 9109513 onepole~ 1800 Hz.; #P newex 19 444 95 9109513 allpass~ 80 50. 0.2; #P newex 19 468 95 9109513 allpass~ 80 50. 0.2; #P newex 255 309 122 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 200. 8000.; #P newex 19 701 92 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.35; #P newex 375 611 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.63; #P newex 375 552 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.72; #P newex 375 523 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.75; #P newex 19 518 45 9109513 *~ -0.3; #P newex 19 420 65 9109513 tapout~ 130.; #P newex 19 396 60 9109513 tapin~ 130.; #P newex 382 309 101 9109513 zmap 0. 127. 1. 76; #P newex 375 583 108 9109513 allpass~ 200 0. 0.662; #P comment 276 762 64 9109513 feedback tap; #P user panel 254 678 91 102; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 370 515 119 157; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 15 380 124 201; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 16 681 233 102; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 15 586 233 83; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P user panel 201 161 273 106; #X brgb 181 255 178; #X frgb 0 0 0; #X border 0; #X rounded 0; #X shadow 0; #X done; #P comment 41 35 59 9109513 Long Decay; #P connect 30 0 31 0; #P fasten 30 0 22 1 676 460 657 460; #P fasten 30 0 23 1 676 502 657 502; #P fasten 30 0 24 1 676 547 657 547; #P fasten 30 0 25 1 676 591 657 591; #P connect 30 0 94 1; #P connect 30 0 95 1; #P connect 30 0 96 1; #P connect 30 0 97 1; #P connect 30 0 102 0; #P connect 96 0 120 1; #P connect 96 0 97 0; #P connect 95 0 118 1; #P connect 95 0 96 0; #P connect 94 0 114 1; #P connect 94 0 95 0; #P fasten 93 0 104 0 1109 510 1062 510 1062 679 905 679; #P fasten 93 0 94 0 1109 500 1330 500 1330 457 1386 457; #P fasten 102 0 94 0 1425 464 1386 464; #P connect 97 0 121 1; #P fasten 48 0 50 0 401 461 598 461 598 567 608 567; #P fasten 48 0 51 0 401 460 598 460 598 609 608 609; #P fasten 48 0 42 0 401 459 599 459 599 483 609 483; #P fasten 48 0 46 0 401 459 598 459 598 522 609 522; #P connect 48 0 120 0; #P connect 48 0 121 0; #P connect 48 0 114 0; #P connect 48 0 118 0; #P connect 121 0 101 0; #P connect 118 0 99 0; #P connect 120 0 100 0; #P connect 114 0 98 0; #P fasten 98 0 88 1 1260 556 1241 556 1241 612 1151 612; #P fasten 99 0 81 1 1262 599 1244 599 1244 584 1151 584; #P fasten 100 0 87 1 1261 642 1246 642 1246 554 1151 554; #P fasten 101 0 86 1 1262 685 1249 685 1249 525 1151 525; #P connect 82 0 93 0; #P fasten 126 0 106 0 966 200 879 200; #P connect 126 0 132 0; #P connect 126 0 82 0; #P connect 130 0 89 0; #P connect 130 0 134 0; #P connect 81 0 88 0; #P connect 87 0 81 0; #P connect 86 0 87 0; #P fasten 92 0 86 0 746 372 1102 372; #P fasten 85 0 83 0 746 545 852 545 852 392 746 392; #P fasten 85 0 110 0 746 598 746 598; #P fasten 85 0 86 0 746 549 1021 549 1021 468 1102 468; #P fasten 117 0 86 0 991 753 1054 753 1054 484 1102 484; #P fasten 128 0 112 0 966 228 864 228; #P connect 128 0 133 0; #P connect 116 0 117 0; #P connect 115 0 116 0; #P connect 103 0 135 0; #P fasten 103 0 115 0 859 728 960 728 960 687 991 687; #P connect 148 0 62 0; #P connect 148 0 130 0; #P connect 147 0 60 0; #P connect 147 0 128 0; #P connect 146 0 58 0; #P connect 146 0 126 0; #P connect 106 0 107 0; #P fasten 106 0 108 0 879 377 921 377; #P fasten 106 0 109 0 879 377 957 377; #P connect 104 0 103 1; #P fasten 136 0 135 1 769 860 873 860; #P fasten 112 0 110 1 864 615 763 615; #P connect 112 0 113 0; #P connect 111 0 103 0; #P connect 110 0 103 0; #P fasten 89 0 105 1 982 336 869 336 869 496 828 496; #P fasten 89 0 92 1 982 334 828 334; #P connect 137 0 139 0; #P connect 135 0 139 0; #P fasten 113 0 111 1 864 650 793 650; #P fasten 109 0 90 1 957 468 788 468; #P fasten 108 0 91 1 921 444 788 444; #P fasten 88 0 111 0 1102 642 776 642; #P fasten 138 0 137 1 728 792 773 792; #P connect 145 0 69 0; #P connect 145 0 136 0; #P connect 140 0 136 0; #P fasten 162 0 92 0 92 302 746 302; #P fasten 162 0 137 0 92 302 8 302 8 792 750 792; #P connect 105 0 85 0; #P connect 90 0 105 0; #P connect 91 0 90 0; #P connect 84 0 91 0; #P connect 83 0 84 0; #P fasten 107 0 84 0 879 420 746 420; #P connect 92 0 83 0; #P connect 142 0 71 0; #P connect 142 0 138 0; #P connect 141 0 138 0; #P connect 56 0 30 0; #P fasten 149 0 146 0 650 51 15 51; #P fasten 149 0 147 0 650 61 47 61; #P fasten 149 0 148 0 650 61 69 61; #P fasten 149 0 145 0 650 61 96 61; #P fasten 149 0 142 0 650 56 127 56; #P connect 149 0 41 0; #P connect 149 0 160 0; #P connect 149 0 56 0; #P connect 158 1 159 0; #P fasten 139 0 159 0 806 860 642 860; #P connect 159 0 157 0; #P connect 24 0 50 1; #P connect 24 0 25 0; #P connect 23 0 46 1; #P connect 23 0 24 0; #P connect 22 0 42 1; #P connect 22 0 23 0; #P fasten 21 0 16 1 387 506 336 506 336 672 65 672; #P fasten 21 0 22 0 387 493 581 493 581 450 640 450; #P fasten 31 0 22 0 657 457 640 457; #P connect 25 0 51 1; #P connect 69 1 144 0; #P connect 72 0 69 0; #P connect 158 0 156 0; #P connect 160 0 158 0; #P fasten 67 0 158 0 70 863 554 863; #P connect 71 1 143 0; #P connect 73 0 71 0; #P connect 51 0 29 0; #P connect 46 0 27 0; #P connect 50 0 28 0; #P connect 42 0 26 0; #P fasten 26 0 15 1 514 549 492 549 492 605 429 605; #P fasten 27 0 8 1 516 592 495 592 495 577 429 577; #P fasten 28 0 14 1 515 635 497 635 497 547 429 547; #P fasten 29 0 13 1 516 678 500 678 500 518 429 518; #P connect 47 0 48 0; #P connect 41 0 47 0; #P connect 9 0 21 0; #P fasten 58 0 33 0 220 196 157 196; #P connect 58 0 64 0; #P connect 58 0 9 0; #P connect 8 0 15 0; #P connect 14 0 8 0; #P connect 13 0 14 0; #P fasten 20 0 13 0 24 368 380 368; #P fasten 12 0 10 0 24 541 130 541 130 388 24 388; #P fasten 12 0 37 0 24 594 24 594; #P fasten 12 0 13 0 24 545 299 545 299 464 380 464; #P fasten 45 0 13 0 269 749 332 749 332 480 380 480; #P connect 62 0 17 0; #P connect 62 0 66 0; #P fasten 60 0 39 0 220 224 142 224; #P connect 60 0 65 0; #P connect 44 0 45 0; #P connect 43 0 44 0; #P connect 16 0 68 0; #P fasten 16 0 43 0 24 743 238 743 238 686 269 686; #P connect 33 0 34 0; #P fasten 33 0 35 0 157 373 199 373; #P fasten 33 0 36 0 157 373 235 373; #P fasten 39 0 37 1 142 611 41 611; #P connect 39 0 40 0; #P fasten 69 0 68 1 588 792 131 792; #P connect 163 0 146 0; #P connect 163 0 147 0; #P connect 163 0 148 0; #P connect 163 0 145 0; #P connect 163 0 142 0; #P fasten 17 0 32 1 260 332 147 332 147 492 106 492; #P fasten 17 0 20 1 260 330 106 330; #P fasten 40 0 38 1 142 646 71 646; #P connect 70 0 67 0; #P connect 68 0 67 0; #P fasten 36 0 18 1 235 464 66 464; #P fasten 35 0 19 1 199 440 66 440; #P fasten 15 0 38 0 380 638 54 638; #P fasten 71 0 70 1 545 863 51 863; #P connect 161 0 20 0; #P fasten 161 0 70 0 25 302 8 302 8 789 28 789; #P connect 38 0 16 0; #P connect 37 0 16 0; #P connect 32 0 12 0; #P connect 18 0 32 0; #P connect 19 0 18 0; #P connect 11 0 19 0; #P fasten 34 0 11 0 157 416 24 416; #P connect 10 0 11 0; #P connect 20 0 10 0; #P window clipboard copycount 164;