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Re: OT: In praise of Mainstage

I did manage to solve the FCB footswitch problem with Mainstage. I  
use CC's instead of Note numbers switching them to alternate style of  
buttons. Works perfectly with Sooperlooper. I am surprised Apple has  
not included a looper. But SL does just fine. Jesse has explained he  
is currently working on some upgrades to facilitate an easier  
experience with mulitiple loops. Once that is done, SL should be a  
real contender in the realm of Software loopers.

I use both Live and Mainstage. The former is inferior in regards to  
sound quality, but has a lot of advantages. Mainstage is still buggy,  
but it is in its infancy. I'm sure as we go, it will improve.

On Jun 11, 2008, at 4:12 AM, Per Boysen wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Warren Sirota  
> <wsirota@wsdesigns.com> wrote:
>> So, Per, what parts are you talking about that are your favorites  
>> in Studio?
> Ok, just going into the stuff I actually use in Studio:
> --> Applications:
> I use Wave Burner a lot for redbook compliant CD mastering. This way I
> keep working in 24 bit mode all the way, even bouncing my final
> masters as 24 bit files. In Wave Burner I line up thes 24 bit masters
> for CD mastering and let Wave Burner handle the dithering down to 16
> bits as part of the burning CD process. This workflow lets you stay
> with the better headroom all through the production process.
> Quicktime Pro comes with Logic Pro Studio. I found great use for QT
> Pro, almost daily, when handling cell phone video clips and converting
> between different formats for different purposes.
> MainStage! This is essentially all of Logic's instruments and plug-ins
> but without the sequencer and micro tuning. A student of mine that has
> been playing ten years with a huge guitar stomp box floor board just
> loves MainStage because we could perfectly duplicate his rig in
> MainStage. When a good looper AU plug-in becomes available MainStage
> will be a good host for laptop looping.
> Compressor (the applications). Makes it possible to finalize surround
> mixes for video, sending AC3 files to film guys etc.
> --> Plug-ins:
> No Delay Designer in Express! (tape delay sim with harmonizer and
> extensive signal routing capabilities).
> No Space Designer in Express! (the convolution reverb that also lets
> you record your own ambience).
> The Ring Modulator (RingShifter) is one of my absolute favorites, also
> missing in Express.
> The Multi Compressor is not so good in Express. I need it fully
> "tweakable" as in Logic Studio, not fixed to presets as in Express.
> The AdLimiter is not part of Express. That's the ultimate music
> mastering tool I always use.
> Guitar Amp in Express doesn't sound as good as Guitar Amp Pro in  
> Studio.
> I'm not sure Express will let you side-chain compressor and noise-gate
> plug-ins? Side-chaining is all over the place when I do a mix in Logic
> and without it the music just sounds stiff.
> --> Instruments:
> The modeling synth Sculpture is not included in Express. So isn't the
> Hammon Organ EVB3, nor the Clavinette. They are all very useful.
> --> Functions:
> Surround mixing. I guess this also means the surround plug-ins
> (compressor, delay, reverb) are not the same, surround compliant,
> versions in Express.
> Micro tonal tuning systems, totally lacking in Express. Logic offers
> most tuning systems of the music history and the handling is global,
> meaning you set it to one tuning and it immediately affects all
> virtual instruments in that song. This is so fun and powerful for
> composing! Can't even imaging being without it. I personally play
> intonation instruments a lot (guitar, air, reed) and I totally hate it
> when the micro tuning isn't where I want it.
> -- 
> Greetings from Sweden
> Per Boysen
> www.boysen.se (Swedish)
> www.looproom.com (international)
> www.myspace.com/perboysen