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OT: MacBook buying advice?

Hi Mac Loopers (or owners ;-)

maybe you guys can help me with a decision:
I was planning on getting a Mac notebook in 2009. I'm in no hurry 
personally. It's just that the recent changes keep me thinking...

Now, I have just seen an offer for a white MacBook with 2,4GHz/2GB/160GB 
for 970,-EUR. They may run off these in the next days. So I have to decide 
if I should get one now.

The thing is: I won't have enough time to spend with the machine until ca. 
March 09 - I'm in no hurry.
So: do you think this is a "now or never" chance to get a decently priced 
Mac notebook with Firewire - or should I just wait for a good deal (or 
maybe going to US, getting a MBPro...) sometime later in 2009?

best regards
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