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> Raul Bonell schrieb:
>> regarding improvisation, could you point out what xenakis' ideas versed
>> about it, please. i'm really interested. any related site?
On Thu, Nov 20, 2008 at 8:37 AM, Stefan TiedjeIt might be of interest to know that Xenakis very first inspiration
<> wrote:
> Xenakis was not at all into improvising, but a lot into form in composition.
> He wrote a whole book about it called "Formalized Music"...
> In his time the stochastic ideas he had would not have been possible to
> achieve in realtime, all was done in a long process, at the end he would
> have a score, which normal musicians could read (and hardly play...;-)
that lead him into starting to compose music was hearing the war
noise, as he was shot and lay wounded on the ground. The total
randomness of all those canons, guns and combat tanks and air crafts
made a huge impression on him, he writes in retrospect.
Greetings from Sweden
Per Boysen (Swedish) (international)