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The coolest tremolo sound I've ever heard is the one that Johnny Marr got with the Smiths on their track "How Soon is Now". He recorded the dry track to tape, then re-amped it through three or four nice Twins. He got them all trem'ing in time, and recorded just as long as they were synced. When they drifted, he stopped tape, got them going again, and again recorded just as long as they stayed in sync. I assume there was some major tape editing going on after the fact, as this was pre-digital. Nevertheless, it's one of the most distinctive pop song intros ever, due to that fat, throbbing sound. I saw a video of Morrissey doing the song last year, with his guitarist using one of the new rhythmically precise pedals, and it just didn't have the guts of the original, in my opinion. here's the original tune: Daryl Shawn