Sounds like you had a later go at the beta and may
have an opinion on my questions perhaps -
Did they allow more than one overdub undo at latest
Also, with my echoplex I like to use NEXT LOOP and
MULTIPLY to copy a loop from loop1 to loop 2 alot and add onto it then in one
I couldn't come up with a way to do this easily in
the beta version though. :O(
I did notice as per your questions that each beta
version had weird little bugs that would come and go.
I'm hopeful with fingers crossed the actual real
version addresses all these. Got me wondering before an upgrade.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 12:03
Subject: Re: Early bird loopers with
He, he... I flew in feeling like a precious Early Bird but got
washed out like a Guinea Pig! ;-))
I just noticed this bug and
wonder if anyone else have noticed? When recording a live input into the
Looper plug-in, as Overdub, the overdubbing is stopped as soon as I start
an empty "dummy" audio clip with clip envelopes to model Looper's parameter
Second, I noticed that Live 8.0.1 ALWAYS crashes if opening the
MIDI Map Mode window and mapping a MIDI Note to Looper's parameter
Speed and setting the range to "Min 0, Max 0". The idea here is of course
to set another MIDI note to match the next pitch in the scale - and so
on for each half note step (gosh, wish it could also follow MIDI
The bottom line is that the two most immediate ways of playing
the loop tonally from external MIDI is out of order. Wondering how
that could pass the beta program...
The best way to loop in Live 8
seems to use Looper as a silent dummy in order to secure a stable tempo
pick-up, and then duplicate the same external MIDI events used for Looper
to target also a good third-party looping plug-in as Mobius or Augustus
Greetings from Sweden
Per Boysen