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Re: OT: Macbook Pro weird internal speaker fix

I'll agree with you there.  The MacBooks are a definite step down in
quality from the old Powerbooks and probably from the new MacBook Pros
as well.  I guess Apple had to make sacrifices to hit that price
point.  It's one of the reasons I ended up with a Toshiba laptop.  Not
that it's amazing or anything but at the lower price point there's not
much of a difference and with the addition of having to buy XP so I
could run Mobius (at the time there was no Mac port) it ended up
looking like a drop in quality from the Pros and a higher overall

The Macbook we have is doing well, but it's my wife's and doesn't get
much wear and tear.  I think that's what it was designed to be: cute,
easy to use but not a serious computer for someone who's using it for
live music.

On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 6:11 AM, Warren Sirota<wsirota@wsdesigns.com> 
> On Tue, Jul 14, 2009 at 12:00 AM, Mark Sottilaro <zerocrossing@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't know if I'd call Macs any more delicate than your average off
>> the self "let's build it with what ever components are the cheapest
>> this week" PC.  I had Macs at a job for 8 years and it was a running
>> joke with the IT guys that I had gone the longest in the company
>> without needing them for anything.  Everyone else was on a Dell.
> that was my experience with my previous PowerBook G4 Titanium or 
>whatever it
> was, but not my MacBook. It will be going in shortly for it's 2nd
> motherboard replacement, due to a failing usb port (first was a failing 
> port). I'm tough on my ports, I admit, but all laptops seem to have a 
> flaw there - if any of the ports go, it takes a new mb to repair.
> applecare is the saving grace, tho. I think that all laptops need 
> primarily because of this port thing, but in my experience, the applecare
> service goes so far beyond anything you'll find from a windows vendor's
> outsource network that it's a whole different class of service. plus you 
> call them with any mac question whatsoever and they'll usually answer it,
> and be nice to you in the process.
> --
> Warren
> http://www.ubetoo.com/Artist.taf?_ArtistId=6679
> http://www.warrensirota.com