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Re: line6 m devices comparison (was re: portalooper), cf Vox

Any feedback control for that looper in the vox VDL-1 Andy?


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 4:42 PM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> wrote:
Vox VDL-1
$250, £200

1 effects at once (not very tweakable)
dedicated looper, 2 loops
built in exp ped
small size

Rainer Straschill wrote:
With all that discussion, I'd like to see the differences between those three things they have right now. If I get it right:

four effects at once
additional looper
two exp pedal connectors
stereo FX send/return
complex scene logic
big (and expensive)

three effects at once
additional looper
two exp pedal connectors
medium size (and price)  

$400,  £350

one effect
no looper
one exp pedal connector
small size (and price)


 From what I see, the M9 seems to be the way to go from these options...