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Re: The livelooping demon

Excellent write-up! :-)


On Mon, Nov 7, 2011 at 10:59 AM, andy butler <akbutler@tiscali.co.uk> 
> Way back long ago Looper's Delight folk were happy
> to talk about "looping".
> LD was set up as as place to share *all kinds of loop music*.
> As far as I know it still is that, there's a lot of live loop
> people here but in a decade or so I only read one or two posts
> that said canned loops were not music ( and not for many years now).
> So when the community started organising "Festivals of Looping"
> and didn't invite anyone that used pre-recorded loop it was firmly 
> pointed
> out that this was a misrepresentation
> of the term "looping".
> After that the term "live looping" started to be used for events,
> open to anyone as long as live looping technology played a significant
> part in their performance.
> So the whole point of the term was to distinguish between different 
> looping
> approaches, and it was adopted because
> there were objections to the use of the term "looping" in that context.
> A few years down the line it became apparent that the new technology
> was giving rise to some interesting new musics, stuff that just wouldn't
> happen without the technology.
> Some of us call that "livelooping music", or simply use the term
> "livelooping"
> in the context of describing the music.
> There isn't any intention to define what the technique of live looping is
> hidden in that, why on earth would there there be?
> (and some may notice a typographic clue to confirm that).
> There plainly isn't any authoritative body that's going to tell you what 
> to
> call your music, or to say whether you "do live looping".
> There's no division between insiders who "do live looping" and outsiders
> who don't.
> There's just free individuals who can call their music whatever they
> like, play it with whatever technology they like, and have any opinion 
> they
> fancy about the music they hear.
> andy butler