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Re: Playing Beatpads (mpd, mpc etc.)

Yea, actually. Ever see those things with the ball dancing across the words to sing on the screen. Its like kareoke for kids. Exactly like that. The bass is at the bottom, everything else is above. there are all sorts of geometric patters and shaped that rhythms can be grouped into. Visualize them and play along. 

On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 11:50 PM, Gmail <k3zz21@gmail.com> wrote:
When you say visualize rhythm do you mean as you are playing/improvising?

Sent from my iPod

On Jan 10, 2012, at 8:41 PM, william middlemiss <billymiddlemiss@gmail.com> wrote:

> Alright, if you can visualize rhythms, then look for notation. All of those rules for modulations and whatnot in western harmony have analogs in the rhythm world. Think tension/release...then think what makes tension. Its all about pulse. Its also about density. Its also about consistency.
> If you need feel/rhythmic understanding- go find the nearest western African percussion ensemble and join or take lessons from the leader. (Im entirely serious)

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