Hey, could you explain how to sync echoloop in Bidule?
Yes I have second that request, Im not personally using Bidule, but
trying to make a simple looping patch in Mulch that is probably pretty
Int the txt doc that comes with Echoloop it says.
"Multitracking" and BrotherSync
We think it brings a lot of flexibility if "Tracks" are separate
instances of the Loop plugin. Soon we will offer a new system to sync
and operate them together.
In Bidule, BrotherSync is possible. Its just clumsy, because after
starting it up, one has to set each plugins' sync to off and then to the
other plugin again. In other hosts its necessary to set a tempo in the
host and then sync to that. I hope this can evolve...
My questions are so when using 2 instances of the plugin, how is it intended that they sync together?
Is it that the midi in goes to the midi in on one plug in then the midi
out to the midi in on the second plug.. one set to in, two set to out?
that the midi on goes to both plugs both set to out... or in?
Thats just to have dual operation, but what of this "synch to Host
option" does this work? in which case, is it just to set both to Host?
I am also trying a Abelton version, but havent got there yet (reading
closely the recent Per and Phil thread (or is that this thread
I too would like that Abelton Live template Ricky??? Pretty Please?
But I have another question.. does anyone notice the pre-configured settings in Live?
I spotted a Boysen setting a Las Fosse setting a Butler setting and a
Gros setting... Was I imagining that? As I cant find them in Mulch