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So without mentioning any names, or quoting anyone, what I meant was:
I see a lot of jealousy, insecurities, hatred towards other people, who are more successful than you. Perhaps even worse musicians, but way better at giving audiences what they want/something they find interesting enough to wanna share with their friends (and share on a mailing list).
This guy is a "like", "share", "subscribe", "click on my ads" kind of guy. He thrives on that - good for him. Doesn't mean you have to do the same, just respect the fact that he's successful in doing what he's doing. (And no, I'm not a fan of his btw.)
I mean, it's not like this guy is a phony or a con artist. I'm sure he works hard with what he's got. He probably realized that he's not a super-musician, and learned to draw on other skills.
Bashing creativity, entertainment, and quite frankly something that you, unless you pull the same kind of views or at least returning subscribers, have no clue how to do yourselves - then I think trolling is the appropriate word for it.