Well, first, lets be sure that by "reset" you mean powering up with "param" button help down.
Other than that I'd say it's either a nasty hardware fault, or some bug caused by your settings
that no-one ever saw before.
YIKES Andy, dont scare the guy!
First, what are your settings? can you list them, like ALL.. Once or twice Ive got the EDP into some funny mode I havent used before and Andy has nonchalantly said, Oh.. thats the mode where time stops still for 2 bars while next loop is in the waiting period, but before it rounds down... and hes usually right...***
the other thing is... Are you SURE you are saving those presets properly? I often end up reloading the preset Im trying to write to, therfore losing the gold-mine setting Ive just stmbled across...
and yes... pretty sure there a battery inside...
***what WAS that again Andy? some really weird mode where edp kindo of plays back thru all the loops till it gets to the frst one then loops.. or something like that... cant rember how I got to it, OR what it was for!!! That Damn EDP.. its so DEEEEEP man...