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Galactic Travels Playlist #796 for July 12, 2012.


<a href="http://galactictravels.info";>Galactic Travels</a> is an electronic, ambient, and space music show, that
airs each Thursday at 11:04 pm on WDIY 88.1 FM, Allentown and Bethlehem,
PA, 93.9 FM in Easton, PA and Phillipsburg, NJ, 93.7 FM in Fogelsville
and Trexlertown, and webcasting on the internet.  WDIY also broadcasts
in Digital HD at 88.1 FM.

                Show #797                July 12, 2012.

WDIY Playlist: http://wdiy.org/programs/galactic-travels?playlist_date=07-12-2012
On this show, I continued the month-long focus on Radio Masacre
International.  The Featured CD at Midnight was "Lost in Transit 2 -
National Space Centre 2005" on Northern Echo.


11:04 pm
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ==============================
Kevin Braheny        Starflight 1 *       Galaxies (Hearts of Space)
Broekhuis, Keller,   Red One              Red (Manikin)
  and Schonwalder
VA [Rainbow Serpent] Improvised Music     Second Decade 2002 - 2012
Monty Adkins         Entangled Symmetries Four Shibusa (Audiobulb)

12:00 am
ARTIST               TRACK                ALBUM (label)
==================== ==================== ==============================
Radio Massacre       I                    Lost in Transit 2 - The
  International                             National Space Centre 2005
                                            (Northern Echo)
Radio Massacre       II                   Lost in Transit 2 - The
  International                             National Space Centre 2005
                                            (Northern Echo)
Radio Massacre       III                  Lost in Transit 2 - The
  International                             National Space Centre 2005
                                            (Northern Echo)

1:00 am

 * = excerpt
VA = Various Artists (compilation)
++ = Advance CDR from Artist
-- = Background music under interview

On the next Galactic Travels, I'll continue the month-long focus on
Radio Massacre International.  The Featured CD at Midnight will be "Lost
in Transit 3 - National Space Centre 2006" on Northern Echo.

Host of Galactic Travels, an electronic, ambient, and space music show,
Thursdays at 11:04 pm EDT/GMT-4 on WDIY 88.1 FM in Allentown and
Bethlehem, 93.9 FM in Easton and Phillipsburg, and on 93.7 FM in
Trexlertown and Fogelsville.  WDIY also broadcasts in HD Digital Radio
on 88.1 FM.
Galactic Travels web site: http://galactictravels.info (temporarily down)
Temporary Home: http://wdiy.org/programs/galactic-travels
Listen to WDIY at http://wdiy.org on-line.