From: Sylvain Poitras <>
Sent: Monday, August 20, 2012 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: Looper's Delight offensive language policy (not)
(without malicious intent)
My opinion is that all words (good and bad) are fair game. Telling
people what words they can use and which they can't is a slippery
slope to censorship.
A lot of very good books were censored because they used bad words (or
good words in bad ways).
Similarly, sometimes the right thing to say is: fuck. It's a word,
people use in different contexts and we all get the different meaning
that comes from its use. Get over it.
I don't swear very much and almost never on a public forum. However,
when the language police shows up on your doorstep, the only
reasonable thing to do is to tell them to fuck off.