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Re: Looper's Delight offensive language policy (F-Word book thanx / Free Speech)

And my all time favorite take on the issue http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCcCzj_yRtk


On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:04 AM, Revfever <revfever@ubergadget.com> wrote:
On Aug 20, 2012, at 7:45 PM, todd reynolds wrote:

some information might be helpful, however… 
from my friend, Jesse Sheidlower, who is the American editor for the Oxford English dictionary, came this book… 

Thanx for the tip!  Looks great!  There's a bunch of used copies for CHEAP currently on Amazon!  I just ordered one for *only $2.02* plus shipping. Total: $6.01!  
CHEAP!   (Just like ME, sometimes! :-) )

free speech, y'all.  It's being eroded all the time.  

Yup!  And as for the term "ya'll", even it's use has now recently been attacked by a very well known Rethug clown (and ex-Senator loser) as being "divisive", 
(something that he and the Rethugs are VERY experienced at in doing!)  for supposedly being used by either the Prez or the VP of the USA. (Or both? Who cares?) 
Such a ridiculous accusation doesn't get much more pathetic than that.  But, from whom it comes from also tells the whole story...

Ya just gotta often wonder about the Rethuglicans and their very questionable new kissin' cousins, the Teahaddists. Spawned from some bad gene pool, perhaps?
That's all that I've gotta, or really wanna say about it. Not really wanting to encourage a new thread here. I was just sayin'...

Freedom of speech is one the most cherished treasures ever, if not THE most precious.   Protect and defend it forever...

PS Dept-
"There ought to be limits to freedom". GW Bush, 1999

