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The following is an announcement of an improvisational art workshop that was held last week in Philadelphia. Myself and another loop-artist attended. It was a blast. If you live "close" to Philadelphia ("closeness" being a function of money/time these days) and have a hankerin' to engage in some seriously improvisational looping hysterics--come on down. < Workshop Announcement > HIGHWIRE Gallery presents * L A P A R T workshop * o Date: Wednesdays, November 13th and 20th o Time: 7:30-9:30PM o Place: at Highwire Gallery 137 N. 2nd Street, Philadelphia (btw Arch & Race Sts.) o Fee: _Free_ and _Open_ to all o Bring small scale art media such as sketchbooks, etc. o Musicians may bring his/her instruments. o For more information, respond to this email, or please call: (NJ) Joe Plegman at (609) 795-0857 or (PA) Toshi Makihara at (215) 659-0557 On Wednesdays, November 13th and 20th at 7:30PM, HIGHWIRE Gallery is happy to present its monthly "LAP ART" workshops. LAP ART is a term coined by artist Joe Plageman to signify an interdisciplinary and experimental workshop for visual/performing artists and guests. Informal presentations / performances by various performing artists (musicians, dancers, poets, etc.) will stimulate visual artists to create spontaneous and improvisational sketches. Also musicians may be able to "see" the visual art works as their musical score, or other performing artists can be artistically/spiritually inspired by them. Visual artists usually work on a small scale with paper on board on their laps, or in sketchbooks or on the floor with mostly dry media. The purpose of the workshop is for artists of different media and disciplines to interact with and respond to each other, so that the art produced would be unique to a particular session and inspired by art from a discipline other than itself, such as music, spoken word, dance, performance art, drama, video, or other art forms. Musicians would respond to visual art; dance would respond to poetry, or another discipline, etc. Experimentation, playfulness, openness, discovery -- these are key themes and motivations of these creative laboratories. They are open to the public which may also participate. Each session is different in that the participants come with possibilities, ideas, and media, but no fixed agenda; thus new discoveries are possible. Hope to see you there.