Support | -- >From - Tue Oct 14 11:38:40 1997 From: Mozilla <> Date: Wed, 13 Dec 1995 20:47:45 -0800 (PST) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Subject: Welcome! Message-ID: <> <HEAD> <BASE HREF=""> <TITLE>Welcome to Netscape</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="50%"> <CENTER> <FONT SIZE="+1">Welcome to<BR></FONT> <FONT SIZE="+2"><B>Netscape Mail</B><SUP><FONT SIZE="-1">TM</FONT></SUP></FONT> </CENTER> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="50%"> <P> <FONT SIZE="+1">As you see here, this mail message bears remarkable similarity to Netscape's home page. That's because Netscape's integrated email presents messages with the familiar formatting, images, and links of World Wide Web pages. </FONT><P> <CENTER> <A HREF="/misc/"> <IMG SRC="/images/home_igloo.gif" ISMAP WIDTH=468 HEIGHT=197 BORDER=0 ALT="WELCOME TO NETSCAPE"></A> <P> </CENTER> <P> <TABLE BORDER=0 CELLPADDING=0 CELLSPACING=0> <TR> <TD> <DL> <DT> <FONT SIZE="+2">Features in Brief</FONT> <UL> <LI>Use the toolbar to quickly browse and reply to messages. <LI>Use menu items for the complete range of mail features. <LI>Create all messages in <B>Message Composition</B> windows, which are created with the various <B>Reply</B> commands. <LI>From the Message Composition window, use the <B>Options</B> menu to choose <I>immediate</I> or <I>deferred</I> delivery. <LI>Drag and drop messages into folders to organize your mail. <LI>Click on column headings to sort messages. <LI>Drag column headings to reorder their presentation. <LI>Click-and-drag on the space between column headings to change the relative sizes of the columns. <LI>Click the Mail icon in the lower right of any Netscape window to check for new messages. <LI>Choose <B>Address Book</B> from the <B>Window</B> menu to store and access your addresses. <LI>Choose <B>Mail and News</B> from the <B>Options</B> menu to set your preferences. </UL> </DL> </TD> <TD VALIGN=TOP> <CENTER> <P> <IMG SRC="about:logo" ALT="N E T S C A P E"> </CENTER> </TD> </TR> <TR> <TD COLSPAN=2> <DL> <DT> <FONT SIZE="+2">Learn More about Netscape Mail</FONT> <DD> The <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/">Netscape Navigator Handbook</A> offers tutorial and reference information on <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/docs/mnb.html#C0">mail features</A>. Take advantage of the Handbook's <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/handbook/docs/atoz.html#M">index</A> for quick access to the topics that interest you. <P>Unix users, especially those who use <B>procmail</B>, should be sure to read <A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/relnotes/demo/movemail.html">this document</A>, which explains some important Unix-<WBR>system-<WBR>dependent issues about file locking, which are important to understand to avoid losing mail. <P> <DT> <FONT SIZE="+2">Supplemental Resources</FONT> <DD> [<A HREF="/eng/mozilla/2.0/faq.html">FAQs</A> | <A HREF="/assist/support/index.html">Support Pages</A> | <A HREF="/assist/support/client/tn/index.html">Navigator Technical Notes</A> | <A HREF="snews://">Navigator User Group</A>] </DL> </TD> </TR> </TABLE> <HR SIZE=4 WIDTH="80%"> <P> </BODY>