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Re: Enough Already!!

Yes indeed, looping may in fact be catching on in the mainstream.  So is 
"alternative" or using heroin, or Buddhism, or stupidity (like my comments
here!).  Is any of it worthy of such lengthy discussion?  Perhaps one on 
one, but
maybe the entire list isn't interested.  Maybe many are.

I definately appreciate being on this list and getting answers to 
questions, but
sometimes the "philosophical" level of banter on monitors or the 
popularity of
looping gets kind of silly.  I'm not saying I don't respect your views, 

If you like looping, loop.  If you think it's becoming too mainstream and 
bothers you, loop or don't loop.  For the past 12 years I've been doing my 
music primarily for myself and a select group of friends.  It definately 
has to
be in your heart to create soundscapes that give pleasure to one's mind.  
If you
enjoy it, others might, maybe a small label will distribute your stuff, 
you'll break even.... or if you aspire to become a big name, go for it!   
Do what
you enjoy!

I've said too much!!!  Sorry.
