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RE: Rackmount 1-space stereo line mixers?

> From: wavelet [mailto:wavelet@petebrunelli.com]
> I've been using a Ashly single space 8 channel, and it is a very
> versatile mixer but it lacks sends/returns.  It is basically
> a broadcast mixer but it has great fidelity and stereo/mono
> capability.  MX308    is the model, but it may have been replaced.
> It isn't in my rack at the moment because it is on loan but
> I've had noting but positive experiences with it.

I think the current model is the Ashly LX 308B, 8 stereo pairs, but the 
thing is it has a headphone jack with a separate level control. That's the
one I'm still leaning towards, since I need the ability to kill the main
outputs and listen to just headphones when I practice. I need the headphone
jack more than I need the full stereo FX loop feature I was looking for. It
seems to be impossible to get both those features in the same 1u line 

Thanks again to everyone for the feedback!

Mike Barrs