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I would certainly like to add that I don't think Jesse meant any offence, I merely wanted to point out these tools can still have a use. Now, i've been looping with my gear for a while but i am starting to notice you guys talking of having feedback control. would anyone care to explain this to me, in as simple terms as possible. i've tried searching but i only find references to it, not an actual, simple description... Thank you -david > From: Todd Howell <> > To:, > > Subject: Re: flexible looper in small packag > > I tend to agree with David on this. I've owned 2 of > the 3 loopers he mentions in his first paragraph and > the Boss DD-20. I believe creative spirit is the > uniting factor on the list as opposed to price of > device. Though I often dream of having a Repeater > or the Hallowed EDP, things in real life like work, > school, mortgage, bills etc.. have often gotten in > the way. > > I do see Jesse's point if he were implying the > zenith of said looping equipment in most of our > minds at least technologically and demographically. > Can you clarify for us Jesse? I don't think any > insult was intended in the least. > > Still Lurking, > > Todd >