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On 19 Jan 2007 at 22:51, Ed Drake wrote: > I'll be surprised if it does much more than the behringer FCB1010, upon which it appears to be modelled (although there's only so much you can do) and I bet it's a lot more expensive. I just wish these people would realise floor space is generally in short supply and give us one with a minimal footprint. And surely if you include a USB setup, you could save internal device costs by having your computer do the programming. Ah well. My thanks to Fabio for co-ordinating it. My piece is from a speech by Winston Churchill and I've tried for a subtle reference to "nightingales and bombers" towards the end. ct-online is a great way to break out of your typical composing styles - I can fully recommend it. "My" project, Paper Music, should be happening soon. All the best, Nick Robinson