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Ableton Live is not very accurate when in the Sync Slave position because it applies a bit of rounding to the incoming tempo. That's why Augustus Loop has this setting "Rounding tempos for Live" that you should activate. On the rare occasions I loop with Augustus under Live I use to run two loopers in parallel and ususally they stay in sync well, one being the Sync Master for the host LIve as well as the other Augustus Loop looper. If I do a lot of REverse or changing of the Beat Devisor one looper might slip a quarter note or so but then I bring it back into the music by some Revers fiddling or simply kick Tap Record and redo the loops right on the spot. There are two concepts of looping in Augustus. Either you keep the input all up and activate Freeze Loop when you don't want the loop to layer the incoming signal or you keep selected the Punch In and PUnch Out buttons to do all substituting Redord that is also quantized. Or you combine both methods. In live you can set up MIDI Clips that send the commands into Augustus Loop and trig those MIDI Clips from external MIDI foot pedals. YOu can also assign the MIDI foot pedals directly to the Augustus' parameters or do a combination. Regard "having Live and Augustus Loop" as the starting point from where you may design your own looping system. I think Live/Augustus is nice for music that gain from a loose timing and I find it very fun to play for a "glitchy and experimental sound", although I prefer the looper Mobius (unfortunately it runs under Windows, but now that's not a big problem for todays' intel Macs that can boot Win as well by the BootCamp utility). An improtant feature that i miss in all Mac loopers of today is the Next Loop and Previous Loop function. I like to work with five alternative loops on two, or more, parallel tracks and then jump between these loops to simultaneously build up and change up to five "song parts". To do that with Augustus or SooperLooper you need to open a new instance of the looper plug-in for every loop and that means almost as much fiddling on the computer as if you would use Max/msp, Bidule or PD construct a custom looper from scratch ;-)) You could read up on SooperLooper as well. Maybe that one suits your needs better? It can run many parallel loops in sync. But it cant act as the Sync Master for Live, but if you don't want to use any tempo dependent effects of Live's that shouldn't be a problem. Another host, that I like better, is Bidule. It can be used as a simple host but it also has all kind of building objects all the down to strict math for those who want to bild their own processing units. The reason I prefer Bidule rather than Max is that the interface is based on musical time (tempo, note duration etc) rather than absolute time (milliseconds). per On 20 aug 2007, at 01.34, jnd wrote: > Hi > > Thanks again Per for your advices...i managed to establish > midiclock sync between Augustus and Live. > But I could not achieve the goal of recording the following loops > in sync with the first one. > What i am doing wrong? > Can you explain me step by step? Idiot proof style.... > This is becoming frustrating....i always thought that preparing a > live looping setup on ableton live....would be a more > straightfoward thing. But it seems almost impossible... > > Thanks again Peri for your help....and anyone else willing to share > the secret of how to live loop with ableton live. > > Ana > > > On Aug 18, 2007, at 7:46 PM, Per Boysen wrote: > >> On 18 aug 2007, at 20.20, jnd wrote: >> >>> Hi again Per ... >>> >>> Thanks...i downloaded the Augustus plug-in. But i can't follow >>> your instructions : / ... how do i set the plug-in to send his >>> tempo as a midiclock? >> >> 1. Open the plug-in's GUI. >> 2. Click the "About/Register" button. >> 3. Select the "MIDI output" box. >> 4. Either save your host and launch Live again or delete the plug- >> in from the plug-in slot and open a new instance of it. This is >> for the change to take effect. >> >> Augustus Loop now opens a virtual MIDI Port that is named >> "Augustus Loop 1" by Ableton Live's MIDI/sync preferences. If you >> open a second plug-in, on another Live track, it will show up as >> "Augustus Loop 2". You should only use the first one as the Sync >> Master though, so be sure to activate the green Host Tempo button >> in the plug-in's GUI. >> >>> Greetings from Portugal >> >> Cool! I've been to Lisboa a couple of times and once lived four >> months on Kap Verde (former Portuguese colony and still very >> influenced, the vibe somewhere between Portugal and Africa) >> >> Greetings from Sweden >>