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The Eventide H3500 series units (maybe 3000 series too?) have a stutter algorithm that can be used to create Max Headroom type effects. IIRC, Dr. Z made use of them in his treatment of My Generation at the first Loopstock. The stutter algorithm is not available in post 3500 units. At 2007.08.22 02:03 PM, Qua Veda wrote: >For those of you have not seen Max Headroom, here's a ytube clip: > > > >I see that there is not word stretching going on, but there are pitch >shifts, glitches etc that I'm also interested in applying to voice - >although I don't need the robotic treatment. > >Since this was made many years ago, I would think that this max headroom >effect is relatively easy to create with today's tools. Many have >suggested granular synth and some kind of EDPloop manipulations. Perhaps >it could be done with a Kaoss Pad. > >How would you create this effect on a pre-recorded (or live) vocal >narrative >with today's tools? And word stretching (without changing pitch) would >be >a real plus. > >-Qua