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Re: What public is attracted by a Y2K Sampler Video? (LiveLooping Tag)

On 12 Dec 2009, at 19:11, George Ludwig wrote:

> Zoe, I couldn't agree more. I like the idea of looping festivals  
> etc., but were I to run one, I would not bill it as a looping  
> festival. I would find some other theme, and then book appropriate  
> looping artists. The whole looping tag would be a secondary detail,  
> nothing more. Something journalists could write about.

thats not a detail! To promote something you mainly need a hook for  
the journalists!
> As a consumer of music, I could care about looping about as much as  
> I care about a guitarists choice of picks.

the public will never hear what pick you use, nor whether you play an  
original american guitar or a chinese copy, thats only for the players  
comfort (same goes for most amp, effect... gear) - which then may  
result in a feeling and indirectly perceived by the public...
very different with looping: its obvious, it calls attention, it  
sounds different!