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Re: Bowing Stick - practice session clip shared

Per Boysen wrote:

> If you look
> at guitar playing technique, it really is not a multitasking musical
> craft as much as it focuses on learning both hands to become synced
> parts of one major musical gesture. 

I'm not so sure about that, I think it rather focusses on a
certain type of guitar playing.

Traditionally the *electric* guitar isn't used to play multiple strands
in a piece of music.
...but the guitar itself, like the lute, is designed to play 2 or 3
polyphonic lines each which a distinct sound and character.

It's not in any way unheard of for a guitarist, particular on
the nylon string guitar to play a singing melody, solid bass,
and light chords simultaneously, and common to play any two
of those elements together. 

I totally agree that playing keyboard makes it easier to start
two handed tapping.
Don't know if multi-task "polyphonic" guitar playing also makes
it easier...I suspect it would.

Re: pickups that work with ebow
the ebow doesn't need a pickup to work, it'll work
on any string with the necessary magnetic properties.
Try it on an acoustic instrument.