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Re: Software vs Hardware loopers

toejampc@gmail.com schrieb:
> I guess my main concern was whether programs like Ableton allowed you 
> to focus on the songs and grooves without the computer being a main 
> fixture on the stage. I don't like the 
> is-this-guy-playing-mp3s-and-just-checking-his-mail-or-what kind of 
> gigs...
Now this is a different topic altogether!
 From my pov, one of the key topics when doing a computer-based setup is 
to invest gear and time into the design of the man machine interface. As 
you said, the interface a computer comes with is not the one you'd 
usually want to use (unless you're playing nerdrock, if something like 
this exists...).

In an ideal world:
    1. use control input devices that work well with your performance style
    2. use optical feedback independent of the computer screen
    3. if using the computer screen at all, use software that allows you 
to make that configurable

Depending on the complexity of your setup, this can be just a simple 
MIDI or USB foot controller, or a combination of faderboxes with moving 
faders or LED rings around the dials (and LEDs in the buttons), and a 
software solution like PD or MAX/MSP where you can freely design the 

Due to the massive amount of configurability and the possibility to 
automatize some things, you may actually need less controllers than with 
a regular setup. To refer to two looping performers: Kid Beyond uses a 
programmable foot pedal to control Ableton Live and keeps the screen 
closed while performing. Andrew Pask (of The Choir Boys) doesn't control 
the computer at all, rather has it do the processing based on algorithms 
and randomness (and doesn't use a screen, either).

Another thing I've been thinking about (and need to follow that some 
more) is to have your setup run in some kind of (song-dependant) state 
machine which you can control with a very simple controller...such as a 
wireless trackball attached to the trombone.

All that being said: just remember when doing the math that the software 
solution will cost you more than the computer/audio interface/software 
prices, namely some MMI devices and a lot of thinking (on which, 
depending on your hourly rate, you may spend much more than on all of 
the hardware together ;).


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