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I found some bugs that were causing the "deterministic chaos". It's complicated but it hasto do with latency compensation and doing functions that change fundamentalplayback properties like location (slipforward) and direction (reverse) at exactlythe same time. Here's a version that I think works, to avoid the bugs you haveto put "Wait last" after each slipforward and reverse function to make sure thatit is completely finished (after the latency delay) before executing the next funtion.Oh, I also had to change the final slipforward to "slipforward 2" so that it skippedahead two subcycles. Otherwise you would keep oscillating in the same subcycleforever.Jef-----------------------!name autrevVariable global PartRevActive# toggle stateif PartRevActive == trueset PartRevActive falseelseset PartRevActive trueendif# the actual functionwhile PartRevActive == trueslipforwardWait lastreverseWait lastwait subcyclereverseWait lastslipforward 2Wait lastwait subcyclenextend