On 7/22/64 11:59 AM, Dennis Moser wrote:
> The beauty of using the iPOD Touch is that it IS NOT a PHONE, so there
> is no cost penalty attached to it.
So true.
I have an iTouch and have been researching apps for Bill Putnam and
I'm astonished by how much music you can get out of it.
I remember distinctly feeling like I watching a new paradigm of
when Kevin Spears (aka KalimbaMan) played at the Y2K8 and Y2K9 looping
He was playing small hand held African thumb pianos and then switching over
to playing a Korg Kaossilator.........everything was small, hand held and
it allowed him to make a very cool and visceral performance (just moving
body, singing and being the overall awesome and riveting performer that
To add an iTouch rocking emulations of Hang drums and Kotos and Moog
and Theremins and live looping apps and, and , and
......just really ups the whole performance bar.
I highly recommend buying yourself a used iTouch if you can afford to.
(There's even a $60 Blue microphone for sale that you can use to record
and sample
things for future manipulations---and then send them to your computer to
rick walker