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vv That was kind of the point I was trying to make with my post, the Reggie Watts story etc.: I couldn't help but think "man, if I show you guys a loop video I did, and get the same kind of responses, I'd not wanna post a video again" one thing is teenagers on youtube bashing whatever whenever. Another thing is when it comes from more reliable sources. But back to my point: it's about personal taste. So I'm not being critical about ambient music, I'm saying if I was, it'd be the same thing as if I was being (overly) critical of this youtube guy. And for both matters, there is a place and an audience, and neither you ambient looping stuff or that guy is better than the other in it's basic form, it's just two different ways of approaching music and entertainment. On 27/04/2012, at 14.46, mark francombe <> wrote: > No one was as critical as you are now being about a genre of music that > admittedly is rather prevelent on this list, as in Ambient or Noise or > Soundscape. The reason for that is NOT as you suspect because we lack > talent (what ever THAT is)