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[andy] > ps, this seems to confirm that Ableton is pretty much broken > in terms of Midi routing. Well all I can say is that it's working perfectly here, in both Live 7.0.12 OS X and 8.2.2 for Windows. I get Note Ons, Note Offs, and if I merge notes and controls they all come through and the controls are ignored. Kevin, what version of Live do you have? I did some more research on Live's MIDI preferences. The "Track" knob causes the MIDI to be sent from the input device to the MIDI tracks. It must be On. The "Sync" knob determines whether Live will sync to the MIDI clocks sent by the device. It doesn't matter what this is since the FCB isn't sending clocks but I would keep it Off. The "Remote" knob determines whether Live will use this device for Parameter Automation. Parameter automation is a VST concept that means that MIDI is received by the host and mapped to a parameter that is exposed by the plugin. When you use parameter automation, the plugin does not need to receive MIDI, it receives commands from the host to change the value of a parameter. These changes can be recorded into a host track and replayed, hence the name "automation". Parameter automation is almost always used for simpler effects plugins that have a set of "knob" parameters that sweep between a range of values. Volume levels, modulation, distortion, eq, etc. The plugin does not have to worry about MIDI, it just tells the host about the available parameters, and you connect MIDI to the paramaeters in the host. In Live this is done by "Edit MIDI Map". You can use parameter automation with Mobius but most people don't because you have to set it up differently for each host. If you click the little wrench icon in the MobiusVst2 plugin it will expand to the right to show the default parameters that Mobius exposes. You should see Input Level, Output Level, Feedback, Secondary Feedback, Pan, Selected Track, Quantize Mode, and Switch Quantize. Let me know if you see anything else in this area. [Kevin] > Well here is the weird thing then; if I only have Track on, Live does > not recognize the midi controller. If I add remote, it registers the > signal. No remote, no Midi. Doesn't matter if I have track on or > not, remote is the only thing that seems to determine if I get > through. This suggests that you are trying to use paramater automation and not sending MIDI directly to Mobius. There is no need to have Remote on if you are not using parameter automation. Please send your mobius.xml file to What do you mean by "recognize the MIDI controller"? The only thing you should see is the level indicator in the MIDI track bouncing when you press a button, but you need to have the "In" button under "Monitor" on. Do you by any chance have Novation's Automap? It sometimes installs without asking if you have a Launchpad or another control surface. This tries to automatically map MIDI events to plugin parameters and it may be interfering. If you have been using an old Live set, create a new one from scratch to make sure you don't have any random MIDI mappings active. In a Live audio track right click over the level slider. You should see s menu contining "Edit MIDI Map". Select this and a "MIDI Mappings" window should slide into view on the left. This should be empty. If it isn't then the mappings may be interfering with the MIDI stream. What do you have here? Here's a video that is actually a bit inaccurate, several sources suggest that "Remote" is used when you want to use "knobs" but that isn't true, it is used only for parameter automation. Here's the most accurate if terse description I could find directly from Ableton. Scroll down to point 8. Even this is misleading though. Setting Track to On isn't just for notes, it will pass CCs and pitch bend and anything else as well. Otherwise you couldn't use your mod or pitch wheel. Remote On is ONLY used for parameter automation which is what Live calls MIDI Mappings. Again, in the MIDI Sync preferences page turn off EVERYTHING except the Track/On button for the INPUT device you are using. Do not have anything on for OUTPUT devices just to rule out any weird echo problems. In the Control Surfaces area at the top everything should be "None". Live's MIDI Map window should be empty. Automap if you have it should be turned off. We can probably turn some of those things back on if you need them but initially we need to have the purest Live environment we can get to determine the source of the interference. In Mobius you should be using the MIDI Control window to create MIDI bindings, check to make sure the bindings are actually for notes and not the stray CCs that the FCB can send. Check the Plugin Parameters window and make sure you only have the default set of controls. There should be no functions in here. Jeff