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Hi Kevin, this is probably going to be the only reason to make me consider another guitar... very interesting info, thank you very much for it. I just don't see any chance to know/see/hear something more than the bouncing, few informations unofficially hitting the net. Any chance to see an official move by moog ? my best, luca wrote: > Hello to all! > > I just returned from the Ethermusic Festival, sponsered by Moog > Music, in Asheville, NC. > > Prior to my set on Thursday night, Jason Danillo from Moog Music > expertly demo'd a new product from Moog Music that is simply called: > "The Moog Guitar". > > I am not a guitarist myself however I was very impressed with what I > learned and heard about this product. I run the risk of sounding > like a "salesperson" however I want to share with you what I learned > and heard regarding the Moog Guitar. > > My first impression of this instrument is that it was an electric > guitar with built in (software driven) fx in the body of the guitar. > And I would add, super CLEAN fx. And the infinite sustain, for > example, was INFINITE with no noise, glitches, etc. However, my > guess about the theory of operation was mistaken. > > The guitar utilizes built-in ebows -- I'm not sure how many are built > into the guitar however there is a least one per string. As many > readers here know, the ebow imparts energy to a string to set it into > vibration and keep it vibrating forever. The engineers at Moog took > things to another level -- for ebow technology can do the opposite: > it can be used to remove energy from a string, too. > > Each string is independently settable -- some can sustain, others can > sound in the normal (unsustained manner), others can produce a > staccatto pluck -- in fact, on of the sounds is a strum followed by a > bow. This is all user-settable. Jason strummed a chord and as the > chord died down a "bowed string chorus" came up -- as if an entire > string section was doubling Jason's guitar part. > > My first thought was: Ohhh... my looping friends would LOVE this. > And the tone was really clean. During Jason's demo, he mentioned > that some people can't believe that this is all being done on the > strings until he unplugs the guitar and folks listen to the strings > themselves. > > I look forward to hearing the "buzz" about this product among the > looping community as well as the theremin community (which includes > many guitarists and loopers). > > While ebows have been around for awhile, this new product takes > things to another level. > > Best wishes to Moog Music. May the new Moog Guitar inspire many > musicians and be another success story for Moog Music. > > All the best to one and all. > > -- Kevin > > > __________ Informazione NOD32 3069 (20080501) __________ > > Questo messaggio è stato controllato dal Sistema Antivirus NOD32 > > > >