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Re: TouchOSC / Bidule / Plugins HELP...!

> On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 9:31 AM, Per Boysen <perboysen@gmail.com> wrote:
> I finally got it working here! The Magic Trick was to type in the
> network's IP address, rather then its sharing name, in TouchOSC. Weird
> that that this should fix it for me, because both should actually work
> according to the protocol.

I've always had to use raw IP addresses with TouchOSC.  I don't fully
understand this, but I think it has to do with DNS (Domain Name
System) not being able to find an entry for your machine.  I think if you
have a router like an Airport then the iTouch can be configured to use
that for DNS, but if you try to connect directly to your computer without
a router it can't translate names to IP addresses.

> I don't see much use of multi touch control surface use in live
> looping though, because you usually play a source sound instrument
> with your hands. That's why I'm looking more into foot controlled
> multi pamater control options.

When I was adding support for TouchOSC in Mobius, I used velcro
to attach an iTouch to the body of a guitar.  It looks geeky as hell,
but it worked reasonably well for adjusting track output levels
and switching loops.  I don't think I would use it for anything
where timing was critical though.  
